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COVID-19 Precautions Based on CDC Guidelines


We support and follow mandates issued by our local and federal agencies. We are regularly adapting our operations according to the safeguards they outline as best practices. As an essential service, we understand it is our obligation to abide by the highest levels ofsanitation and safety standards.


Our Mission:
Physical therapy has been deemed an essential service because of the ability to relieve emergency rooms and urgent care facilities of patients who need pain management solutions for physical limitations. We serve to address physical pain, weakness, and movement limitations for those whose daily living and independence are affected in a responsive and responsible manner.




-All clinic surfaces, restrooms and door handles are cleaned in between clients.


-We also Diffuse Essential Oils, this increases oxygen availability, produce negative ions, and releases natural ozone that will help to reduce bacteria, fungus, mold and unpleasant odors.


-Our procedures to disinfect our clinics and equipment have been expanded to include Ozone Generator. Ozone Generator is a powerful sterilizer that allows us to tackle pathogens in the air and on both soft and hard surfaces. The bacteria or viruses meet ozone oxidation reactions occur and both parties are destroyed. Our clinic is now routinely using the Ozone Generator as a proactive and preventative measure to help stop the spread of viruses.


-Non-Touch Digital Thermometers. Running a fever is a proven symptom of an immune response. When entering our clinics, we now insist that both employees and patients allow us to perform a non-touch digital temperature scan. Once a temperature reading is verified under 100.4F without the recent ingestion of fever-reducing medications, patients and employees may proceed to work or therapy. This reduces our collective exposure to potential infection within our environment.


Guidelines Followed:

Upon entering the clinic, employees are washing their hands, as well as frequent and thorough hand washing throughout the day.

Our employees are employing the use of masks in our clinic during treatment.
When coming in for therapy, we ask our patients to use a face mask or covering when entering our clinic for treatment. We also ask that you wash your hands or use provided hand sanitizer upon entry. These measures helps slow the spread of viral components that may be shared by speaking, coughing, or sneezing.


If you are not able to obtain a mask or face covering, please call or consult with our office staff before entering the clinic.


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Essential Therapies Sylvania

7596 King's Pointe Rd.

Toledo, OH 43617

​© 2024 Essential Therapies

Essential Therapies West

11584 County Rd. R

Pioneer, OH 43554

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